Vocoder: Retrowave Voiced Loops


Vocoder: Retrowave Voiced Loops

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $7.50.

Soundtrack Loops intros Vocoder: Retrowave Voiced Loops. Soundtrack Loops presents Vocoder, by resident producer Van Derand. Here you get fifty craftily vocoded phrases that you can use however you like. Choose from bass lines, melodies, lead lines, polyphonic and arpeggiated structures, major and minor keys, and different kinds of effects. The majority of vocalizations sourced at the mic explore the man-machine interface with a Kraftwerk-like sense of camp—counting off numbers, rattling off jargon, summoning robots, celebrating the intersection of man and maschine, and other proclamations to help you get your paleotechno tracks soldered together. While everything on Vocoder has an equal chance on the dance floor, some of the samples here are clearly meant for it—especially the jazzy, syncopated chord progressions and other groovy stuff that offsets the angular robotic gestures—it’s a good mix! Produced with crisp and raspy sonics, these sounds will cut through your mixes with ease. The entire package comes in at 115 BPM, which is a good place to start; time shifting brings interesting results! Collecting single-instrument libraries like Vocoder is a great and fast way to specialize and expand the usefulness of your entire sample collection. With Vocoder, any track, from straight to swinging, can be roboticized instantly. (*Please note: Vocoder loops only, other instruments such as drums, synths, and basses are used for demonstration and are not included.)

As standard practice for all loops created by the Soundtrack Loops team, Key and BPM are tagged in both metadata and file names.

Features: 50 Royalty Free Vocoder – Retro Wave Voiced Loops | Universal .WAV, & Apple Looped .AIFF Included | 48kHz 24 bit stereo files. |

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    Soundtrack Loops intros Vocoder: Retrowave Voiced Loops. Soundtrack Loops presents Vocoder, by resident producer Van Derand. Here you get fifty craftily vocoded phrases that you can use however you like. Choose from bass lines, melodies, lead lines, polyphonic and arpeggiated structures, major and minor keys, and different kinds of effects. The majority of vocalizations sourced at the mic explore the man-machine interface with a Kraftwerk-like sense of camp—counting off numbers, rattling off jargon, summoning robots, celebrating the intersection of man and maschine, and other proclamations to help you get your paleotechno tracks soldered together. While everything on Vocoder has an equal chance on the dance floor, some of the samples here are clearly meant for it—especially the jazzy, syncopated chord progressions and other groovy stuff that offsets the angular robotic gestures—it’s a good mix! Produced with crisp and raspy sonics, these sounds will cut through your mixes with ease. The entire package comes in at 115 BPM, which is a good place to start; time shifting brings interesting results! Collecting single-instrument libraries like Vocoder is a great and fast way to specialize and expand the usefulness of your entire sample collection. With Vocoder, any track, from straight to swinging, can be roboticized instantly. (*Please note: Vocoder loops only, other instruments such as drums, synths, and basses are used for demonstration and are not included.)

    As standard practice for all loops created by the Soundtrack Loops team, Key and BPM are tagged in both metadata and file names.

    Vocoder: Retrowave Voiced Loops

    In-House Productions

    Demo 1: Vocoder: Retrowave Voiced Loops

    “Vocoder: Retrowave Voiced Loops” works in all DAWS and is 100% royalty free.

    • Zipped Contents (105 MB)

      • 50 Vocoder Loops
      • Various BPM
      • Various Keys
      • 24 bit 48kHz Stereo Files
      • Works in all DAWS | Universal .WAV, & Apple Loops .AIFF Included |
    • Instruments

      • 50 Male Retro Wave Vocoder Phrases
    • Instruments (Cont.)

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