RnB Crush – R&B Loops and MIDI

Download Royalty Free RnB Crush Loops | Soundtrack Loops
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RnB Crush – R&B Loops and MIDI

$30.00 $15.00

Soundtrack Loops intros RnB Crush loops and MIDI. RnB Crush loops are clean, polished, and really well put together, RnB Crush is a tight, propulsive, and authentic smooth R&B construction kit. Packed with close to a gig and a half of content (168 loops total), this title is fat! The five kits inside kick off with a happy R&B concept (90 BPM, E flat minor) followed by four killer slow jams (110 BPM, E flat min; 125 BPM, C min; 130 BPM, F min, and 140 BPM, F min). All core beat components are present and accounted for in every kit: drums, bass, percussion, electric and acoustic piano, electric and acoustic guitar, synth leads and pads, and even some vocoder loops. Among the fundamentals there are plenty of variations that you can use to dial in subtleties, humanize the proceedings and set your productions apart. RnB Crush is a self-contained solution for making contemporary smooth R&B tracks fast. The sonics are sharp and crisp, so the music really breathes—perfect if you’re looking for something to sing over. The grooves are lyrically inspiring and the sounds come together in ways that will always give you as much space as you need to locate your singers. With music like this, it’s really important that the sounds have the ability to stand on their own in sparse, stripped down arrangements. RnB Crush delivers just that—drag ‘n’ drop hit sounds. Produced by John Hobart aka Scorpio Music Productions

As standard practice for all loops created by the Soundtrack Loops team, Key and BPM are tagged in both metadata and file names.

Features: 168 Royalty Free RnB Loops | 47 MIDI | Universal .WAV, & Apple Looped .AIFF Included | 48kHz 24 bit stereo files. |

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    Soundtrack Loops intros RnB Crush loops and MIDI. RnB Crush loops are clean, polished, and really well put together, RnB Crush is a tight, propulsive, and authentic smooth R&B construction kit. Packed with close to a gig and a half of content (168 loops total), this title is fat! The five kits inside kick off with a happy R&B concept (90 BPM, E flat minor) followed by four killer slow jams (110 BPM, E flat min; 125 BPM, C min; 130 BPM, F min, and 140 BPM, F min). All core beat components are present and accounted for in every kit: drums, bass, percussion, electric and acoustic piano, electric and acoustic guitar, synth leads and pads, and even some vocoder loops. Among the fundamentals there are plenty of variations that you can use to dial in subtleties, humanize the proceedings and set your productions apart. RnB Crush is a self-contained solution for making contemporary smooth R&B tracks fast. The sonics are sharp and crisp, so the music really breathes—perfect if you’re looking for something to sing over. The grooves are lyrically inspiring and the sounds come together in ways that will always give you as much space as you need to locate your singers. With music like this, it’s really important that the sounds have the ability to stand on their own in sparse, stripped down arrangements. RnB Crush delivers just that—drag ‘n’ drop hit sounds. Produced by John Hobart aka Scorpio Music Productions

    As standard practice for all loops created by the Soundtrack Loops team, Key and BPM are tagged in both metadata and file names.

    RnB Crush Loops and MIDI

    In-House Productions

    Demo 1: RnB Crush

    “RnB Crush” works in all DAWS and is 100% royalty free.

    • Zipped Contents (1.15 GB)

      • 168 RnB Loops
      • 47 MIDI
      • 90 – 140 BPM
      • Various Keys
      • 24 bit 48kHz Stereo Files
      • Works in all DAWS | Universal .WAV, & Apple Looped .AIFF Included |
    • Instruments

      • Electric Guitars
      • Bass Guitars
      • Percussion
      • Synths
      • Chords
      • Electric Piano
      • Jazz Acoustic Piano
      • Triangle
      • Bell
      • Drum Tops
    • Instruments (Cont.)

      • Kick
      • Snare
      • Hi Hats
      • Shaker
      • Mixed Beats
      • Claps
      • Wind Chimes
      • Snaps

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